Umpire Registration for Online Courses Now OPEN!, News (Sarnia Brigade Minor Baseball Association)

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Mar 20, 2021 | Rob Winship | 643 views
Umpire Registration for Online Courses Now OPEN!
Baseball Ontario has now opened the online registration page for Level 1 and 2 umpires.

Please read the below from the Sarnia Umpire Clinic Co-ordinator Terry Doyle:

Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. Baseball Ontario has moved forward with virtual Level 1 and Level 2 clinics for 2021 umpire certification. These will once again be self-directed modules as they were in 2020. 
If you were certified as a first-year Level 1 umpire in 2020, then you would register for the Level 1 clinic (Level 1 is a 2-year program). If you have completed two years of Level 1, including 2020 (even if you did not umpire any games in 2020) then you are eligible for the Level 2 clinic. 
The cost of the clinic is $16 for Level 1 and $26 for Level 2. 
Here are the steps to complete:

1. Visit and login to your umpire account. If you do not have an umpire account already, then one would need to be setup.
2. Register for the Sarnia Level 1 or Level 2 clinic.

Baseball Ontario has setup these virtual clinics so that the self-directed modules will be made available once everyone has completed their registration and payment (rather than making them available individually as soon as you register/pay). We are aiming for the clinic to "start" in early April.

3. You will be contacted via email for payment after you have registered.

I am sure the biggest question on everyone's mind is the status of baseball locally in 2021. Everyone is hopeful of a season this year, and plans are moving in that direction. It will be up to the Ontario Government, Public Health, and Baseball Ontario to determine how that looks exactly. Umpire and coaching certification programs continue across Ontario.

If you have any further questions, please me know.

Take Care,

Terry Doyle
Sarnia Umpire Clinic Coordinator
Jackpot City
Jackpot City is a major financial sponsor of our Minor Baseball Organization. Without their help, our fee structure would have to be increased greatly. We thank you!