Lambton College Indoor Workout Protocols, News (Sarnia Brigade Minor Baseball Association)

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Feb 03, 2022 | Rob Winship | 678 views
Lambton College Indoor Workout Protocols
Lambton College Covid-19 Safety Plan - Sarnia Brigade Minor Baseball

Lambton College Covid-19 Safety Plan - Sarnia Brigade Minor Baseball

I am reaching out to you to communicate Sarnia Brigade Minor Baseball’s Covid-19 Safety Plan for Indoor Workouts at Lambton College, as we are planning to begin within the next few days. 

In our excitement to begin indoor training sessions, it is our duty to remind you that we must not overlook the fact that COVID-19 transmission is still an active threat in our community. We must adhere to the Ontario Baseball Return to Play protocols, provincial mandates and Lambton-Health Unit guidelines. It is our intention that you read this email thoroughly and forward the contents to your team’s families so they can discuss the contents with their child(ren), and ensure we follow the safety measures detailed. By this point I am sure you understand the inherent risk of gathering to work out and the stipulations we are operating under, but let’s be diligent adhering to this Covid Safety Plan outlined below.

Our Sarnia Brigade executive is providing clear instructions for all stakeholders: coaches, parents and players in this email regarding resuming indoor workouts. We must remain vigilant in adhering to what is commonly referred to as a 'layered approach' in order to safe-guard our youth and coaches from Covid-19 transmission; and thereby, ensure that we will continue to benefit from further restrictions being lifted throughout the off-season.

This layered approach includes: hand-sanitizing, social distancing, pre-screening for symptoms, contact tracing, vaccination (12+), masking when indoors, and common sense.

Specific Instructions:

ALL PLAYERS 12 years of age and older, and coaches must provide proof of having received two vaccinations prior to January 20th, 2022, or two weeks prior to their first visit to Lambton College thereafter. Head coaches are to determine their designated team representative (manager, parent representative, themself, etc.) and communicate this important detail to the team's families.

Pre-workout / Covid Screening:
It is mandatory that each player and coach complete the Ontario Daily Covid Screener prior to attending Lambton College:  There are several similar screening tools available (OnDeck, etc.), but seeing as our user groups are primarily composed of students, it is expected that they will have convenient access to, and familiarity with this screening tool. Furthermore, for some teams visiting on weekdays it is expected that this requirement was met prior that day for attending school. To be clear it is unnecessary to do multiple screeners.

Upon sign-in, the Head Coach (or team rep, assistant coach, manager, etc.) will verify that each player verbally acknowledges that they have completed the screener. If a player answers ‘no’, then the coach or team rep will conduct the screener survey with said player(s). 

The team coach or rep will ensure a sign in sheet is signed by each player and coach entering the building at the entrance of Lambton College prior to entering the schoolPlayers and coaches sign-in and use hand-sanitizer at the door. Coaches/managers please retain sign in sheets. Also, hand sanitizer is available upon request from the Sarnia Brigade executive directors. 

Teams are instructed to meet just outside the east entrance (by the turnabout circle) approximately 10 minutes prior to their scheduled time. The coach or team designate will promptly sign attendees in, and verify pre-screening as aforementioned. The group will enter in unison into the building no sooner than 5 minutes prior to the start of the workout. The teams finishing their workout will end their drills, activities 5 minutes prior to the end of their session in order to ensure there is no mingling, or cross-cohort interaction between each Brigade team, or other user group.

During Workout:
Players and coaches will be grouped solely with their own team and coaches. Coaches are expected to group players in small groups of 4 to 6 for drills and station work wherever possible. Players and coaches must use hand sanitizer upon exiting and re-entering the gym (i.e. if they need a washroom or drink break). 

Post Workout:
Attendees will use hand-sanitizer upon exiting the workout; it is expected that if a player, coach or parent experiences symptom within 72 hours of the workout that a parent/guardian would notify the head coach so that proper protocols (quarantining, monitoring) be followed.


Most of us have experienced 'COVID fatigue' by this point but we must remain vigilant, and all do our part to ensure that as restrictions continue to lift, we can get back to 'baseball as usual.' 

Go Brigade!!

Joel Ainsworth 


Sarnia Brigade Minor Baseball

~formerly Sarnia Braves Minor baseball

Referenced Links:

Jackpot City
Jackpot City is a major financial sponsor of our Minor Baseball Organization. Without their help, our fee structure would have to be increased greatly. We thank you!