2023 Summer Brigade Camp, News (Sarnia Brigade Minor Baseball Association)

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Jun 07, 2023 | Rob Winship | 1386 views
2023 Summer Brigade Camp
Hello Everyone,

Here are the details, registration package, and payment information for Sarnia Sr. Brigade Baseball Camp 2023. This is our 13th annual camp. Apologies for the latest notice we have ever given… I am travelling almost the entire month of July, down through Ohio, Indy and Atlanta with my son’s baseball and wasn’t sure I could be present, or if we would have enough instructors until recently.

WHAT:      4-day mini-camp

WHEN:     Mon. July 31st - Aug. 3rd    **8:45 am - 12:00 p.m. **

WHERE:   Clearwater Diamonds

WHO:        Ball players born in 2011 to 2016

WHY:        as always... Fun in the Sun Honing Baseball Skills!!!

I am looking at having Centerfield Sports send down an instructor specifically for back catching sessions on a couple of the days.

The cost is $110. E-transfer payment to [email protected].

Be sure to state your child's name and Brigade Camp on the memo line. If that is an issue, please let me know and cheques can be made payable to Sarnia Braves Baseball Club, or cash dropped off with registration and waiver. Once reg forms have been received and payment confirmed, Justin Randall or I will be in touch via email with further details about what to bring and the itinerary. Keep in mind our treasurer is very busy and travels with work so provide a two week waiting period.

Registration and Waiver:

Please fill out the registration and waiver attached and share back via Google Docs, email back a digital copy to me, or make arrangements to drop off hard copies in my mailbox.  The form is a Google Doc. If you open in Google Docs click file,make a copy.

Registration and Waiver Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RB4GTSFanjaKc7bbkjUCP3OBVqxRcmeU1ww22kskmho/edit?usp=sharing


Many thanks! Looking forward to another awesome week of baseball camp!

Coach Joel 

226-886-1702 c 
[email protected]
