Apr 25, 2019 | Alexander Pfaff | 447 views
Community Field Clean Up Day
Saturday is Community Field Clean Up Day, which the Braves are supporting this year. For those who are able, we will meet as a team at Tecumseh park (334 Russel St. S) for 10:00am, where we will clean the diamond and surrounding area. Following the clean-up, there is a complimentary BBQ lunch at Canatara Park sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sarnia-Lambton from 12:00pm - 12:30pm.
We will be supplied gloves and garbage bags, but consider bringing your own gloves, as I’m not sure how many there will be or how good they are.
This is a good opportunity for us to help the community and support the facilities we will use through the Spring and Summer. Please make it if you can, but don’t worry about it if you can’t.