Schedule Posted, News, Rookie Select, 2019 (Sarnia Brigade Minor Baseball Association)

This Team is part of the 2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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May 10, 2019 | Alexander Pfaff | 447 views
Schedule Posted
The Rookie Select schedule has been posted on the Team website. There may be some adjustments through the season, but I’ll let you know as that occurs. Many of you have told me times when you are away, but now that we have a confirmed schedule, could you take a look and let me know the periods you plan to be away.

The League Championship tournament has been set for the weekend of August 9th -11th, although I don’t know the location yet. There is potentially another tournament for the weekend of July 5th - 7th in Wallaceberg, but that is still to be confirmed.